As part of a time-honored tradition, students dressed up and painted their faces for Spirit Week. From March 11-15, the four grades competed to accumulate the most points by participating in Spirit Week activities and wearing grade-specific colors and themed clothing.
“I think Spirit Week is a good way for the school to have a little fun for one week and for students to come together within their own grades and as a whole. No matter who wins spirit week—even though the seniors do every year—in the end it’s just to show school spirit and that we’re proud of Schreiber,” said sophomore Denise Hidalgo.
Monday’s theme was pajamas, and wearing them to school netted you 50 points, while wearing pajamas that were your grade’s color gave you an additional 20 points.
“My favorite theme days were the pajama and spirit days. I loved being able to not care so much about what I wore, and for the last day, I got to wear my trademark Viking helmet. I haven’t yet decided whether I’m retiring it for good or giving it to someone else,” said senior Elana Galassi, a member of the Spirit Week committee which was responsible for organizing the eponymous event.
Activities were held in the lobby during 4-1/4-2, such as the “Penny Wars” in which people placed pennies in jars to give their grade points and dollar bills in other grades’ jars to reduce that grade’s points. The grade with the most money earned the rest of the grades’ money and it was put toward its respective prom.
Spirit Week culminated with a pep rally, with people painting blue and white stripes on their faces and filing into the gymnasium for an hour-long battle of wits and physical prowess.
A series of challenges between the grades manifested the competition in front of the whole school and riled up all the classes.
“While there are certain things we could have done without, like the minor egg scramble and the mold-ridden tarp, the final pep rally really showed the kind of unity and intra-grade support that makes the Class of 2013 special. I feel that the spontaneity only added to the contagious energy in the gym,” said Galassi.
While the juniors won many of the pep rally events, the seniors were able to score a surprise last-minute victory and take home the first place title, barely maintaining their long-running winning streak.
“I thought the announcers and MCs had the most fun. But it wasn’t miserable. It was a nice way to end the week,” said sophomore Nikki Sabila.