Seth Barshay: Thank you for meeting me, it’s a pleasure to have you girls here today.
Jackie Avila: Thank you!
Alex Caprariello: It’s a pleasure to be here.
SB: To start this off, how has your season been going this far?
AC: We’ve been doing really well. We started the season undefeated, with a record of 7-0.
JA: The girls on our team have been working really hard. I think that we have a really great season ahead of us. We do have a lot of newcomers—younger girls— but they have a lot of talent, so we’re hoping for the best.
SB: I know that the team includes a few freshmen, as well as eighth graders. What is it like having such a broad range of ages on the team?
AC: Well, being captains, you kind of take everyone under your wing, but they are very talented young players, and I think that they’ll develop into superstars.
SB: Could you girls tell me how a usual practice goes?
JA: Well, we start off with a jog, and then we do both dynamic stretching and regular stretching. Then, of course, we throw for a little bit. We split up outfielders and infielders so we can warm up more. Usually, we’ll then go into a scrimmage, since we have such a huge roster of girls. We have enough players to fill up two teams, so it actually works out perfectly for scrimmaging.
AC: That’s one of the pluses of having such a big team.
SB: What qualities do the players on this team possess that sets them apart from players you’ve been with on prior teams?
AC: Every single one of the girls on this team is really here to play. No one is ever slacking off. They’re huge hearted, they’re working hard, and it definitely shows on the field.
JA: It’s great for us that everyone shows effort.
SB: Have there been any early surprises so far as the season has progressed?
AC: In tough situations, we have remained positive, which is always a good thing.
JA: Everyone just keeps their head in the game. Sometimes it’s hard when you’re playing for so many innings, and you just want to go home because it’s freezing out, but everyone is really good about it, and they’re focused. They want to be there.
SB: Sounds great. Thanks again for meeting me!
JA and AC: Thanks for having us!