It’s that time of year when freshmen are confused, sophomores go into Euro-induced panic attacks, juniors nearly throw up, and seniors sit back and laugh a little. Yes, the school year is drawing to a close. No matter if a student is taking two APs, five Regents, or something in between, the end of every school year is a crucial part of a student’s final grade, which eventually factors into what college they attend.
Fourth quarter of any school year is crucial because finals are an undeniably important aspect of a student’s transcript. As freshman year turns into sophomore year and so on, the days of actually applying and going to college draw closer. Students’ nerves increase causing them to obsess over their final grades with the unhealthy mindset that “there is only one college out there for me” and “this math final will determine my entire future so I should stay up studying until 4 a.m.” Neither of these ideas is true, but dissuading students from freaking out about college is easier said than done.
“The key to getting through this time of year is knowing when to stop. Sometimes you study nonstop for days on end and I think you need to take a step back and relax a little sometimes. Realize that APs and finals aren’t the end of the world, you shouldn’t drive yourself crazy over something that in 20 years won’t matter,” said senior Ariel Waldman.
Students tend to forget that stressing extensively about finals and how they impact the colleges they attend is not only mentally taxing, but futile in the long run. One slightly-less-than stellar grade on a final does not negate three and a half quarters worth of hard work, nor does it singlehandedly decide what college you attend. Rather, approachthe end of the year with a calmer mindset than you may be used to, and realize that the old saying is true: there really is a college out there for everyone.
“It’s important not to stress out too much and clutter your mind with superfluous nonsense,” said senior Kim Winter.
Remember, everyone is going through the same thing that you are. Despite what a panicked student having an existential crisis and/or a minor panic attack about where to apply to college might think, you can always seek the help and comfort of friends, family, and guidance counselors to get you through. Preparing academically for college is important, but so is keeping a positive frame of mind during high school.
“After several years of stressful finals and AP exams, I’ve come to realize that going overboard on studying and stressing yourself out really doesn’t yield a positive result. Studying a moderate amount and keeping things in perspective are absolutely key,” said senior Iliana Ioannides.
However, some students have more extreme ways of dealing with the impending stress of finals and college than others.
“I find that the best way to deal with finals and the stress is to just curl up into a ball and cry. The noise of your crying blots out the sound of everyone asking if you are okay, and being in the fetal position has a strange calming effect. I don’t know about everyone else, but by pushing reality out of my mind, I’m able to go to my happy place. However, if for some reason that doesn’t work, I gorge myself with Nutella. It’s delicious, and makes you hate yourself more than you hate the finals,” said senior Bryan Johns.
It is essential to be rational and level-headed about the whole college thing. Whether that means daily meditations, , or a cool breeze in your room, find a way to deal with stress and relax a little. You will find that the prospect of your college-bound future won’t seem so terrifying. Be positive and look on the bright side of life!