News Briefs

Our Lady of Fatima


Our Lady of Fatima Church held its annual yard sale on Sept. 16 at 42 Manorhaven Boulevard.  This location, also known as the Parish Center, is where many of their church events are held.  A banner was put on the wall of the Parish Center in early June to start informing people about the event, and the church accepted donations between Sept. 4 and Sept. 16.

“My family and I are regular members of Our Lady of Fatima Church and I think it’s a great idea to have a yard sale,” said freshman Amanda Strobel.  “It can save people the trouble of doing a yard sale of their own and it has the same effect as donating the things they don’t need.”   

The event took place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., giving people eight hours to admire the goods.

“My mom takes items that she doesn’t need or uses and donates them to the church yard sale.  Every year, there are boxes piled up in my house that are going to be donated,” said freshman Andre Agostino.

The church received donations of many different items, including jewelry, board games, and bicycles.  They also received blankets, pillows, and quilts.  This year, the church finally began accepting clothes, shoes, and handbags.  All of the items had to be cleaned and in perfect condition before being showcased at the yard sale.

“I think it’s an important event because every year the money that they collect is donated,” said freshman Carmen Yanes.

Every year, the church collects clothing and other items in order to send them to struggling countries that need resources.  The church accepted volunteers this year to help with the yard sale and clean up after the event, and those involved with the yard sale regarded it as a worthwhile cause.