Editorial: All for YouTube and YouTube for All!

When using the internet during school hours became the norm, administrators were concerned that students would watch videos, play games, and visit sites could that distract them from the school day and learning environment.  As a result, Schreiber blocked students’ access to certain websites on school computers, one of which is Youtube.

Youtube is a network site that streams videos from a wide range of topics and can serve as an educational resource.  It provides a plethora of explanatory videos on countless different topics; it can serve as an instructional tool which provides glimpses of concepts that must be seen to be understood and cannot simply be taught through words.

However, blocking access to Youtube has actually proven to interfere with students’ learning endeavors, which is contrary to the school’s intention and initial purpose.  Students are often are given a research assignment and look to Youtube as a resource either to enhance comprehension or their class presentation, but they are faced with a dilemma: they cannot access this site at the school.  In other instances, students who look to become more familiarized with a topic go on Youtube to watch a crash course, but again, cannot.  On an off period, how are students supposed to use their time effectively with assignments or studying if they cannot use the very sites that enhance these tasks?  It is counterintuitive.

Furthermore, Youtube is not the culprit responsible for distracted students; there are several streaming sites that are not blocked by Schreiber.  On off periods, students can still watch television and movies on school computers and wifi.  Additionally, many students, on their own devices, have downloaded access to videoed entertainment, and so are able to watch the same content at school.  Therefore, blocking Youtube essentially does not resolve any issues; it simply contributes to them.

Banning students from using Youtube makes the pursuit of learning a more difficult task.  The Schreiber Times suggests that the school unblock the student body’s access to the site, as it will allow students to reap the benefits of all the learning resources available to them at their fingertips.