Editorial: More parking spaces for seniors

Besides from adjusting to AP classes and applying to college, seniors face a new challenge this year: finding a spot in the Monfort parking lot.  While all seniors who have their driver licenses are permitted to obtain a senior parking pass, there are rounding 60 spots to accommodate over 400 senior.  While not all seniors drive to school, there are still not enough parking spaces for those that do.  This causes many students to rush to Monfort to find a parking spot extremely early because they have no other method of getting to school.  Thus, the Schreiber Times believes that the school administration should create more parking spaces for seniors. 

As seniors, many students have taken a larger role in our school community.  These include being leaders of clubs, captains of varsity sports teams, and generally taking on a larger course load.  Each senior deserves to have a spot to park their car so they can have easy access to get to the school when they have a club meeting, practice, or to meet with a teacher.  The positive impacts that students have created on Schreiber’s academic environment deserve to be rewarded.  There is also no reason for students to be tired and stressed so early in the morning over simply finding a place to park their car. 

The Monfort parking lot is shared by students and teachers from both Weber and Schreiber, as well as commuters.  Students are specifically told not to park in the white or red lines.  However, many of these parking spaces, especially in the main parking lot of campus, are often left empty throughout the day since some teachers prefer to park in the lot near Monfort than deal with the traffic on Campus Drive early in the morning.  If students see an open teacher spot in the Monfort parking lot after 9 a.m., they should have the option to be able to park there since it is likely to go unused for the day.  A solution that would solve this problem would be to ensure that all parking spots on the main parking lot on campus are being used by teachers for the entire day, so that spots in the Monfort parking lot can be opened up.  Even if the Monfort parking spaces for teachers and commuters were reassigned to student parking, the lot still would not be able to accommodate all 400 senior students.

Therefore, the senior parking passes should be capped at a number close to the amount of spots that there are in Monfort.  Students whose birthdays fall after the school year starts should be able to reserve a spot for when they can obtain their license.  If the school assigns senior passes at a first-come, first-serve basis, an end will be put to morning commotion and students would be influenced to carpool.  

The addition of more parking spots for seniors would also ensure that students would not park in areas that they are not supposed to park in, such as in the Rite Aid parking lot near school.  This is not only not allowed, but also disrespectful to individuals who are actually going into the stores and buildings behind Monfort.