Editorial: Confiscating phones in class

Since the first day of school, several teachers throughout the building have been collecting their students’ cell phones and placing them in hanging calculator holders for the duration of class.  

The logic behind using these holders is to reduce distractions and students’ temptation to use their phones. However, requiring students to place their phones in a separate location may leave them unprepared for the real world. The world outside of high school is one that expects students to know how to control themselves on their own, and this includes their ability to stop themselves from constantly checking their phones.

In addition, outside of school, it is up to every to student to decide whether or not they should seize an opportunity and enjoy it to its fullest extent.  Therefore, if a person should choose not participate in class or pay attention—and not take advantage of the education being offered to them because they are on their phones—that is their prerogative. High schoolers are mature and capable enough to make this choice for themselves.

Placing cell phones in the hanging calculator holders causes unnecessary nuisances.  It forces students to crowd in one corner of the room at both the beginning and end of periods, which can be chaotic as students tend to rush.  Especially at the end of class, in the hassle to grab their phones and get to their next class on time, students might accidentally take the wrong phone or leave their own behind.  These inconveniences can easily be avoided by putting an end to the confiscation of cellular devices.

The Schreiber Times suggests that teachers trust their students by allowing them the responsibility of deciding how they spend their time in class.  By ridding classrooms of calculator holders for cell phones and permitting high schoolers to make their own decisions, students will be at the mercy of their own actions and choices—just like how they are in the real world.  This will teach students that if they pay attention, they will be rewarded by learning from the classes they are taking.  Students who choose to distract themselves with their phones will eventually learn that their decision to check a quick text or Snapchat was not worth missing out on the important lessons that were being taught at the same time.