How to thrive instead of just survive during second semester slump

As we enter the second semester, still exhausted (and slightly traumatized) from midterms, it can be very easy to become lazy and to lose motivation to study for an exam or to write the paper that’s due at 11:59 p.m. But let’s be honest: that paper isn’t gonna write itself, and that subject needs some brushing up on, so we should all stop watching Netflix and get cracking. 

An almost identical kind of slump and loss of motivation can occur with our diets and exercise as well. Staying active and eating healthy, nutritious foods is essential if you want to have enough energy to power through the school day and be productive while completing your homework. Here are some tips that are sure to help you stay out of the second-semester slump and to help you be your best self.  

Many studies have supported the idea that eating breakfast starts your metabolism, which helps you burn calories throughout the day, and also gives you the energy you need to focus during the school day and to get things done effectively.

Making breakfast does not have to be time-consuming. There are many other options from a fruit smoothie, to granola with yogurt and berries, to maybe even a bagel with lox.  The bottom line is, though, it’s important to fill yourself up in the morning before you start your day.  

“In the morning, I always eat a banana and with peanut butter on a piece of toast. It takes two minutes, and it’s a great way to start my day off right,” said freshman Ethan Severance. 

  Though many consider breakfast to be the most crucial meal, snacking might be just as important. So long as you choose healthy and nutritious snacks, snacking can help you get closer to the amount of nutrients we should all be consuming for the day. Snacking may also help you from getting overly hungry in between meals and prevent you from overeating at your next meal. Furthermore, many healthy snack options aid in keeping you focused at school and provide you with the energy you need to study when you get home.

“When I get home before I start working I like to eat raspberries and a granola bar,” said freshman Robert Novak.

Fruits, veggies, and nuts can all be healthy snacks that provide vital nutrients and energy, but even dark chocolate can be a wholesome option. Dark chocolate is packed with tons of antioxidants and natural stimulants that allegedly improve blood flow to your brain, which enables you to focus better.  Moreover, besides eating healthy, there are many tricks to help someone avoid the second semester slump. Planning ahead, staying active, organizing, and being productive are some of the many initiatives you can take to prevent this slump.  

“I eat soup and go for runs,” said senior Taylor Mohrman.

Also, make sure turn off your phone while studying, and put it far away from you so it doesn’t become a distraction. Furthermore, remember not to multitask and to focus on what is most important to you.

Good luck, and here’s to a strong third quarter where we’re all able to avoid the infamous second semester slump!