Student Council’s Blood Drive

On Nov. 14, Schreiber hosted its annual Blood Drive, organized by the Student Council.
The Blood Drive was organized to help those in need of blood, who are facing medical
challenges from disease or injury.
The pressure of this event was raised due to the emergency blood shortage that
hospitals are facing. The excessive need for blood donations has led to announcements, flyers
and all types of advertisements around the school. Students organizing this event are urging
others that are eligible to donate. Although some students may not fit the criteria to donate,
there are different things to do to help.
“Even though I’m not old enough to donate, I’m trying to persuade my parents to come
because I really want to help out,” said sophomore Jocelyn Castillo.
In order to give blood there are some different requirements that one must have before
donating. A person that is eligible to donate must be in the age range of 16-75.
Requirements for donors include bringing a donor card or an ID with a picture or
signature to the drive and weighing over 110lbs. All who do not fit this criteria will not be able to
donate and anyone with questions can call 1-800-688-0900.
“I think it’s important to donate blood. It goes a long way for people that need it. It can
save lives” said freshman Talia Mala.
For those who do fit the criteria to donate, the New York Blood Center has generated a
list of activities to perform for the best experience while donating blood. First on the list, is to
drink plenty of water the day before to stay hydrated. Next is to eat salty foods the night before
the donation along with a good night’s sleep, and then eat a large balanced breakfast the
morning of the donation as well as constant hydration.
After the extraction of the blood is complete, all donations are tested for different
diseases that could be transmitted through the blood like HIV and Hepatitis. After the donation
has been cleared, it is sent to a hospital. The whole process of the donation can take around an
hour including filling out forms and small health checks.
“I think it is really amazing that we always have a blood drive, I know a lot of people who
need it,” said junior Nate Solomon.
When donating, you are helping either those with Cancer, newborn children or their
mothers, those who survived accidents or injury, transplant patients, surgery patients and many
more. Many full grown adults have about 12 pints of blood in their body and most can donate a
pint without any problems occurring.