Point – Was it a good idea to add the ID Card swipe system to the far right door?
During the first two months of school, Schreiber students saw how easy it was to access the doors to enter and exit the building. Now, if someone wants to spend any time outside, they will have to have their ID Card with them so they can be let back into the building. The ID card swipe system is an attempt to increase security at Schreiber. To enter through the doors near the main entrance, students must swipe the barcode of their ID card over a scanner. After scanning the barcode, the scanner emits yellow pulses and the doors will open.
“I think it was a good idea to implement this technology. Having the ID card swipe system doesn’t hurt anybody. It does the opposite. It will help benefit security during an emergency,” said freshman Dylan Miglio.
One advantage of this policy is that Schreiber is protected from unwanted visitors. By allowing strangers into Schreiber can potentially lead to harm to students and staff. According to the National Center for Education, there were nearly 60 fatalities associated with incidents of armed violence during the 2017-2018 school year. The report found that very few of the schools affected by those events had tight security in place, such as guards and ID scanners. This is not to say that all unwanted visitors will harm those at Schreiber. In some cases, visitors from the outside may need to enter the building for certain reasons. Yet, by requiring Schreiber students to have their IDs with them at all times, the new policy will allow for distinction between students, staff, and strangers.
“In my opinion, having students use their ID cards to be let into the building ensures safety for everyone at Schreiber. I’ve heard of incidents where anyone could just walk in the school. Fortunately at Schreiber, the doors are limited to the students and staff of our school,” said freshman Carter Fritz.
Not only does the ID card swipe system help the school overall, but it also has a positive impact on each individual student. The new system is an effective way to ensure students have their ID cards with them at all times. The ID cards are not solely used to obtain entry into Schreiber, but they are also used for other purposes, including purchasing lunch and borrowing library books. Hence, having students bring their ID cards to school has significantly improved not only their ability to enter the school, but also to do other things within the school.
“I think the new system has increased the number of students using ID cards because it’s the only way people can go inside when they need to,” said sophomore Zayd Pattie.
Then again, there are other methods available to students to order lunch or borrow library books without relying on student ID cards. “I don’t think having more students bringing IDs for coming into the school helps with other functions the card has such as borrowing books or purchasing lunch. When buying lunch, you just enter your school ID number which doesn’t involve the card itself. Since mostly everything is online and such, students can purchase online ebooks,” said sophomore Jai Dhillon.
Without a doubt, implementing the ID card swipe system will have a positive impact on the students and staff of Schreiber. Having this measure ensures the safety of threats from the outside. It also encourages students to be more responsible and bring their ID cards, which serve other purposes. Schreiber is proud to participate in this initiative that is currently being used in many schools nationwide.