How to get a head start on spring cleaning

As spring approaches, so does a chance to make a fresh start.  The warm weather tends to motivate people to improve themselves along with their living space, which leads to the idea of spring cleaning.  People use this time to organize their belongings, clean out unwanted or old items, and possibly donate them to those less fortunate.  There are several ways people go about spring cleaning that induce the feeling of a new beginning. 

Marie Kondo is known to have a famous five-step approach to decluttering.  The first step is to categorize the items you are organizing into different areas (such as clothes, books, or papers ).  Next, she suggests piling up each of the items from each category together on the floor to have an overview of everything you are dealing with.  Third, Kondo says that you should only choose to keep the items that “spark your joy,” meaning they make you happy.  Dispose of everything else. 

After this, Kondo says to put your desired items into places to store them.  And finally, in the last step, she says to do this all at once, so you do not deal with any unnecessary procrastination.  Using this method, you can be sure to have a successful spring cleaning experience. 


When it comes to disposing of your unwanted items, there are several options.  One highly recommended option is donating to those in need.  In Port Washington, there are many areas for this to be done.  For example, located at 100 Firwood Rd. is a home that doubles as a drop off location for donations. Called “Hope For Hope,” this organization encourages people to bring all the old items you no longer use. .

“Donating to those in need is something that I take pride in, and I hope it becomes a more popularized activity throughout our community,” said junior Kaitlyn Schwirzbin.

Other spring cleaning methods target organization tactics.  Color coding can be a gamechanger for home and school-related areas and items.  Storage bins and dividers can also help categorize and make a room appear tidier. 

“Using a color-coded system for my notebooks and binders has really helped me get organized and stay on top of my school work,” said senior Aaron Triffleman-Miller.

Students are also encouraged to turn it into a group effort.  Assigning chores to different people can lessen the pressure and make cleaning a social activity.  First, decide the areas that need cleaning, whether they are as big as a room or as small as a backpack or binder.  Then divide and conquer with a friend or family member. 

Lastly, another form of spring cleaning is visible throughout our school.  Students with backpacks and lockers filled with random papers and books will hopefully use this time to straighten out their messes.  It has been proven that those living in organized environments tend to succeed, as they lead with focus and methodology.  By simply taking 30-45 minutes out of your day to organize your school supplies, you can increase your productivity.

“Spring cleaning not only helps me declutter my room, but it also helps me make sure I am more organized, so I don’t have trouble looking for lost items,” said junior Layla Hershkowitz.  

Spring Cleaning is a great way to refresh to prepare for summer, but the tradition has seemed to fall in renown over the last few years. However, with all of the positive benefits that a deep clean brings, this is definitely the next best trend to bring back.