Editorial: Attentiveness during assemblies

Assemblies offer a momentary respite from the drudgery of class and allow students to listen to interesting presentations and performances. We are privileged enough to live in a district that often books guest speakers and musical groups to entertain and teach students. Students should make the most of assembly time rather than taking this privilege for granted.

Unfortunately, students are often disrespectful and disruptive at these events. For instance, at Shakespeare Day on April 21, dozens of students talked over the performances, kept their eyes glued to their phones, or didn’t pay attention at all.

The Shakespeare Day coordinators and students who participated in the events voluntarily gave their time and effort to organize the day, and the rest of Schreiber should be able to sit for an hour without chatting or texting.

This discourteousness is not limited to the events at Shakespeare Day. In fact, at nearly every assembly in recent memory, a number of students have been disrespectful to the speaker or performer in question. It takes minimal effort to simply be quiet and pay attention, but it seems to be unusually difficult for some people.

Although some students are not interested in what is being presented, this does not give them the right to ruin the assembly for everyone.

Seniors should be especially wellmannered during assemblies since underclassmen often look up to them as role models.

The majority of students at performances often exhibit appropriate behavior, but this minority can give the entire school a bad example as well as reputation.

If a handful of students makes an effort to be more quiet and respectful, the rest of the audience can listen attentively to the presentation or performers .

The Schreiber Times encourages students to be a more respectful audience at school assemblies and performances. Additionally, the Schreiber student body should urge others to do the same.