Is posting college admissions celebrating or bragging?

There’s one word that every senior fears more than anything else: college. From the first day of school, almost everything that seniors talk about has something to do with college. You walk into school, you hear college.  You walk into the gym, you hear college.  You talk to relatives, you hear college.  You talk to strangers, you hear college. It’s absolutely inescapable.

Everybody wants to know where everybody else is applying; common conversation between students has become an endless repetition of “Where do you want to go and what do you want to study?” All of a sudden, every seventeen-year-old has to know exactly what they want to do with their life. Are they already expected to have a set career plan?  The line between youth and adulthood has become blurred by the college-related pressures which are thrust upon today’s seniors.

It is disappointing to know that people who applied to the same college did not get in. It is almost a way of bragging that they are smarter than you.

— Cory Levy

The final year of high school is a juggling act. Seniors have to keep their grades up while they complete the arduous application process, and deadlines creep up on seniors at an alarming rate.

“I’ve been trying to write at least one supplement essay each night and study for all of my tests and quizzes at the same time,” said senior Davida Harris.  “It’s very stressful when you have so many deadlines to remember and so little time.”

The rolling admissions plan offers students can find some comfort; once you apply under rolling admissions, you hear whether or not you made the cut three to four weeks later.

This process allows students to know that they are “in” somewhere before crack under pressure.  Seniors also have to deal with nagging (but well intentioned) friends and family members who won’t stop asking about the results. It’s difficult to keep a low profile. These same people later feel the need to put a congratulatory post on Facebook.  Is that the correct way to celebrate?

Although parents and friends are excited that their loved one was accepted into college, it can be impolite to the rest of the world.  Students who did not get in to that particular school or haven’t heard yet often feel that these posts add insult to injury.

“I think it’s exciting to see where people get into college, but it is disappointing to know that people who applied to the same school did not get in because they did not post it on Facebook.  It is almost a way of bragging that they are smarter than you,” said senior Cory Levy.

Students should be happy for their classmates. Hundreds of Schreiber students are competing for the same spots at the same selective universities. Although students should be ecstatic when they get into college, the results do not need to be publicized unless they are fully committing to that school.  Posts that simply brag about acceptance to a school that the senior does not really want to attend are hurtful to students that would give anything for the same chance.

When a student commits to a college of their choice, it is up to them to publicize it to their community, be it on social media or the next day at school.  Publication of admission allows everybody to know that they are ready to begin a new chapter in their life at a certain institution or university.  Students shouldn’t feel pressured by their family, peers or classmates to post on Facebook about all of their college acceptances.  It is perfectly fine for students to post the college they’ve committed to on Facebook, but is unnecessary and excessive when they post each and every college they have been accepted into.

“The whole college process is stressful and I find it kind of annoying that I am reminded of it every time I open my Facebook app,” said senior Sierra Robinson.

The college process is unavoidable for all high school seniors, and the beginning of the year is crunch time.  Whether you are writing supplements each night or are stressing because you fear that you won’t get accepted anywhere, college is always on your mind. During this time of the year, it is essential for seniors to stay on top of their school work and college deadlines.  Students shouldn’t feel pressured to check social media every second of the day to find out who got into a particular college or who didn’t get in.  It is overwhelming for students to find out any college information over social media, which can further damage a student’s self esteem.

It is acceptable for people to post on Facebook about the college that they plan to attend, but it seems unnecessary to post about every single college acceptance.  By being mindful of those who were not fortunate enough to be accepted into their schools of choice, Schreiber students can do an even better job of helping each other through such a stressful time.