The business department is underrepresented at Schreiber

Business subjects, including finance, accounting, management, and economics, are among the most popular fields to study at universities nationwide.  Fundamentally, every organization, regardless of industry, relies on business principles to prosper.  With this in mind, Schreiber needs to start expanding the Business Department. 

Although Schreiber’s Business Department has recently made impressive adjustments such as adding another teacher, Mrs. Erickson, and opening up more classes, the department is still extremely underrepresented in our school.  The Business Department needs to be expanded in order to allow students to explore more options in the business field before college.  Since high school is one of the places where students explore different subjects before deciding on their major, Schreiber must ensure that students have the opportunity to explore the field as thoroughly as possible.

There are a multitude of students who yearn to explore business in college and in their futures.  Many students want to take many business classes but at the end of the day, scheduling gets in the way.  However, if there were more business options available, it would be easier for students to pursue their interests. 

Currently, Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Saraceni, the only two business teachers in the school, have an alarming amount of off periods.  Currently, Schreiber offers electives such as Accounting, Business Law, Virtual Enterprise, Marketing and Microsoft Word.  However, both teachers would enjoy teaching more classes. Some possibilities include Wall Street, Fashion Merchandise, Financial Literature, which would appeal to even more students. Adding a Wall Street class would allow students to learn more information on the stock market, investments as well as other financial services.   Additionally, Financial Literature explores topics such as credits, debt and basic banking.  These classes are fundamental for students who want to pursue business in the future.

“At the previous schools I have worked at, I taught financial literature, which I would love to teach at Schreiber,” said Mrs. Erickson. “It would be a great asset to the business department.”

Furthermore, many of the business classes are dominated by male students. By adding Fashion Merchandise, which would be open to all interested students, more females could get involved in business at Schreiber.  In this class, students would explore the history, trends and movement of fashion as well as would study current  trends and popular designs. 

“I am involved in a lot of business classes already and I am definitely considering a business major in college,” said junior Tara McCarthy.  “By adding new and unique business classes, students can have the opportunity to explore different business topics.  If we added more classes, I would definitely take them.” 

Another way Schreiber can expand business opportunities is through a Business Honors Society.  Every other department, including music and art, has an honors society so it is only fair to the students interested in business to be represented in Schreiber as well. 

Junior Chloe Smith attempted to start a Business Honors Society for the upcoming school year.  However, due to a funding shortfall, her plans to start an honors society was declined. Nevertheless, many new clubs have been started in recent months, such as Haven’t You Heard as well as the American Heroes Club.  With the addition of these clubs to our school, it is only fair to start a Business Honors Society, which is a national club.

“So many students, including myself, want to pursue business in college and in the future,” said Smith.  “It would only make sense that our school, which is the basis for our futures, should offer opportunities that facilitate this desire.  I want to start a Business Honors Society so these students could further their interest and have equal representation with the other departments in our school.”

Currently, there is one business club in Schreiber: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).  This club competes with other schools in business related competitions including making video presentations, creating ethical cases as well as designing unique businesses.  However, this is the only club that covers business topics in Schreiber.  Previously in the year, students attempted to create an Investment Club but, again, the club couldn’t generate enough funds. 

Business is becoming a major interest among students everywhere, and more opportunities need to be made available in order to expand students’ knowledge of the field.